Optimize Nutrition Seminars
with Bryan
Join us for this month's nutrition talk!
Topic of the Month:
Does My Diet Affect My Healing?
This seminar has already happened
check back soon for our next nutrition seminar!
- When: Saturday April 8, 2023
- Time: 10:00-11:00am
- Where:
Optimize Therapy & Fitness
9841 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046
Seats are limited so please reserve your spot by entering your information below, or call us directly at (301) 356-5500
Can't make it for the live event? Seminars will also be live on our social media!
Start following us now for the latest information and helpful tips!
What to expect from this seminar
- 30-45 minutes of discussion of the topic of the month
- Open forum for Q&A (also, available thought our live stream!)
- Resources to take with you
- An informative and casual discussion that can help you make changes in your nutrition and improve your health!
Next Nutrition Seminar Starting In:
This seminar has already happened
check back soon for our next nutrition seminar!
Copyright 2019. Bryan and Optimize Therapy & Fitness. All Rights Reserved.