Group Fitness For Women
Lose Weight. Build Confidence. Feel Great.
No Crowded Gyms...
No Expensive Equipment...
No Membership Fees...
No Boring 1-2 Hour Workouts...
Just High Intensity Body Weight Exercises That Get Results!
Get Started Today With A Free 2-Week Pass!
Just Click Below To Receive Your Free Pass
Current Class Schedule:
Tuesday 6:30 pm
Thursday 6:30 pm
Saturday 10:30 am
Space is limited. Reserve your spot today!
All Sessions are approximately 30-40 minutes
For questions or to request one on one personal training sessions:
Call (301) 356-5500 or email doug@optimizetherapy.com
Optimize Therapy & Fitness
10981 Johns Hopkins Road, Suite 210
Laurel, MD 20723
(301) 356-5500
What Is Optimize Fit 35?
Why Do You Need Optimize Fit 35?
Who Is This Program For?
Who Is This Program Not For?
How Is This Program Different From Other Exercise Programs?
Most group exercise classes are too large making it difficult to monitor how well you are doing. Our classes are smaller so we can make sure you are exercising correctly and safely
You're not paying for "sessions", you're paying for results
Unlike other programs sold in the fitness industry, this program is designed to have long lasting results, not just temporary change created to get people to spend more money
You'll get a access to a Physical Therapist who is an expert in movement, physiology, biology, nutrition and exercise science, that will guide you through your training providing motivation and accountability
Optimize Fit 35
Fitness and Weight Loss Program
Get Started Today With A Free 2-Week Pass!
Just Click Below To Receive Your Free Pass
Get Started On The 12-Week Program For Only...
For 3 Months
Secure Payment
$199 Today and Save $38
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Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your life!
Here's what other attendees are saying:
"I feel much lighter and leaner. More importantly, I lost my stubborn stomach fat!
I am able to wear pants that I hadn't been able to wear for a long time! After each
workout, my tight muscles stretched, I felt refreshed and awakened and my joint
movement got better!"
- Moe Moe
What's Included....
Can I make up appointments that I miss?
We understand that people get busy and may have to miss sessions during the 3-month program. We encourage you to try your best to stick with the program in order to get the best results. We allow you to make up your sessions as you need to, but ask that you do your best to complete the program within 4-months
Will I be charged if I don't show up for a class?
You won't be charged an additional fee for not showing up for a class. You are purchasing a 3-month program, so it is encouraged that you do your best to make all the classes for each week. As a courtesy we ask that you let us know if you can't make it so we can fill your spot with someone else who may want to join the class
What if there are exercise/movements that are too difficult for me?
Don't worry, our highly trained and experienced staff of instructors will make the exercises safe and adaptable for you. The important thing is that you try you best and work as hard as you can. You'll see the results when you put forward the effort
Added Benefits to Joining Our Boot Camp:
Click Below to Get All of These Benefits and More!
Optimize Therapy & Fitness
10981 Johns Hopkins Rd. Suite 210
Laurel, MD 20723
© 2017 Optimize Therapy and Fitness